Lily Protrusion
Painted on sculpted modeling paste on canvas board. This technique creates a 3D effect which dramatizes the light and shadows.
Previously exhibited in "Celebrating Light" show at the Naples Art Association. 1
Flight Through the Flowers
"Flight Through the Flowers" was exhibited at the "Your Choice Awards" at the Naples Art Association and awarded an "Honorable Mention".

The "Origins" Series is inspired by my fascination with the origins of life and the universe. After reading "Big Bang" by Simon Singh my imagination began to run wild with the infinite capacity of our universe. I have always loved nature as a subject for my paintings so I decided to combine natural forms with the process of evolution and expansion. In this process I also wanted to explore the development of beauty and harmony in nature. Upon close examination you will find words relating to these elements hidden in the center of "Origins 1".
Origins II:
Beginnings of Life
"Origins II" continues to build on the theme of the expansion of the universe and the ongoing evolutionary process. While my depictions are somewhat whimsical they do mimic the patterns and forms in our emerging universe. This painting was created to appear explosive from a distance but get increasingly more detailed as you approach. Upon close examination you will find amazing micro universes, protoplasmic organisms and flashes of brilliant color.